Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back from the Southwest

Blogging (and responding to comments) has been even more sparse the past few weeks, as you may have noticed. I was away, picking up on more of the things that I missed from having a travel-averse mother. I finally made my first journey to both the Grand Canyon and Las Vegas, about which I'll probably have more to say in the coming days (of course, I said that about last year's trip to Utah, too, and you're still waiting for that).

I'll just enliven things with one comment: It is possible, no matter what the Park Service says, to hike from the rim of the Grand Canyon to the Colorado River and back in one day, though I am not minimizing it as a challenge. But the wife and I did it, it was not unbelievably difficult, and I'll write more about that for those who care at some point. Anyway, ho hum, I'm back to the quotidian, and none too thrilled about it.


Anonymous said...

i'm in nyc for the week but i'm still jealous. Maybe they discourage the full hike because it puts the hardest work at the end as darkness looms.

I look forward to returning to skimming, selectively responding, and being ignored in your primary reader role.

began reading the (old) biography of Ayn Rand. there's a new one but B&N had this one.


天然娘 said...


真剣に向き合ってはくれませんか? said...

初めての書き込みでちょっぴり緊張してます、男の人と出会うきっかけがなくて!こう言う場をかりてみるのもひとつのきっかけですよね。周りの友達は彼氏とラブラブの毎日、あたしもラブラブな毎日を過ごしたい、21歳の恥ずかしがり屋なんで、年上で引っ張ってくれる人がいいです。メールしてくれたら返事は確実だよ♪ワクワクしながらメール待ってます love.love.happy-@docomo.ne.jp

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