Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I got plenty of nuttin'

I don't really have any topics that are demanding to be discussed today. Perhaps that is a piece of a general blogging malaise that has been afflicting me the last week or so. I'm considering a change to the blog, a cutback, writing only when I really want to (and the way I've been feeling, that might be once a month). I do have thoughts of all the other things I could be doing instead of researching, thinking, and writing, so maybe it's time for a break. I'll keep thinking about it, maybe work out some of my considerations on the blog itself.

And yet...there are still things I want to write about. I've been preparing a post on the media worship of Washington school chief Michelle Rhee, and the limitations of her approach to fixing the schools. I have, as does everyone, a retrospective of the Bush years planned, probably for sometime around the 20th. And there are still some browser tabs with articles that ask for some kind of Androcass logic.

As for today, I believe I will close here for now. Perhaps I will receive a sign....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I, for one, hope you'll keep writing. I'm more a lurker than a contributor, but I enjoy the range of topics (even when I don't agree with everything you say).

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