Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sunday funnies

In my sporadic attempts to create some kind of order on this blog, I am going to try to make Sunday's post somewhat lighter than the "heavy" fare during the rest of the week. Sunday, largely because I don't even like to think about the computer that day, will become the "Downtime Corner," where I give shout-outs to favorite athletes, or review non-serious books, or ramble on about nothing in particular.

Some of you may have already guessed that this policy is, in part, an opportunity to pre-write Sunday's post (much in the way that certain, lighter newspaper sections are written and printed way before Sunday; I only hope not to get caught in that Parade magazine, Benazir Bhutto trap - more here and here). I plead guilty, but you'll still get my hard-hitting views the other six days, never you fear.

And, at best, I can write meta-posts, posts about posting, which require very little more than vague spouting. Posts like this one, for example. Enjoy the Super Bowl.

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